Saturday, May 17, 2008

Txting like a teen

There are many who lament that Txt spk is damaging the English language. Two Canadian researchers
have analysed over a million words of instant messages and more than quarter of a million spoken words and concluded that the ascendancy of txt speak is not damaging to the language. Rather the language is enriched by the process.

So, on to some txt spk now:
BOC: But of course
BBL: Be back later
TTYL: Talk to you later
OMG: Oh My God
IMO: In my opinion
PSOS: Parent standing over shoulder
CMIIW: Correct me if I am wrong
SLAP: Sounds like a plan
TMTH: Too much to handle
HOAS: Hold on a second
WOMBAT: Waste of money, brains and time

Tks to Dom Post

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