Friday, March 30, 2007

The Present

Train to Work, with a newspaper

Brilliant Sea shimmering through the window
Office goers immersed
in yesterday's disasters

Friday, March 09, 2007

World Cup Time - Sledging

Cricket won't be cricket without sledging.

Here are a couple of (in)famous ones: *******************************************************************************

South African Daryll Cullinan was on his way to the wicket when our Shame (deliberately spelt)Warne (see pic taken by me in the Basin Reserve) told him he had been waiting two years for another chance to humiliate him.

Shot back Cullinan "Looks like you spent it eating".


The ever mishievous Miandad (Javed) called Merv Hughes a fat bus conductor. A few balls later Hughes dismissed the Pakistan star. "Tickets Please" Hughes said as he ran past the departing Javed.
