We missed the first three days (the Introduction and two days) of the
Katha as we had to be out of Wellington.
We came in on the third day and every day, starting from the first
invocatory sloka we were spellbound through to the end of the day's
discourse. Premaji weaved her magical spell and put J.K Rowling to shame
with the invisible (w)hand of Lord Krishna.
Here was a discourse on Divnity at its best.
Premaji's eloquence, her perfect blend of the Kirtans with the story
telling, her bhAvas and mudras (as she rightly referred to danseuse
Padma Subramaniam's tribute to her), her choice of heavy and vibrant
Sanskrit slokas immediately followed by soothingly light and lilting
Bhajans and her sense of humour were joys to behold.
The fact that even the kids stayed put for around 3 hours every day is
proof of her excellence in story telling.
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